Thursday, August 20, 2009

identity | induction

why do people blog? 
some may call them exhibitionists (there is sexual connotation to the term) arguing that they are basically exhibiting themselves and revealing private intimate details of one's life to the world. hence the use of the term voyeur. one of the main reasons people blog is that these personal sites acts as a platform to voice out their thoughts and emotions. it is a way to express themselves. in a way, they are creating an identity for themselves by the way they 'write' what they 'write' about and recording it down on their own personal history textbook, just like how we would in a diary. they have the freedom to write as they think (to an extent because of certain laws implemented and it differs from each state or country) and feel, there is no limit to your creativity and also probably one of the most important stand is that the anonymity of blogging as you can choose to reveal your personal information or not. because of the idea of being anonymous, created this door for people to reveal secrets without being caught as the gossip monger or as an outlet for  the redemption of a guilty conscience. whatever the reason is, the public likes to read or know about such juicy gossips and speculate, it is in our nature (to different degrees) to find out more. 

secrets revealed
on the topic of secrets and the lure of knowing them, here is a secret revealing site called postsecret:

i do find this site and their projects meaningful and even touching at times. there were several occasions while reading another person's secret which i could really relate to, it evoked a plethora of emotions. i could almost label it as therapeutic or moments of enlightenment and induces self reflection. that is just my opinion and take on it and yes, i am a voyeur of this site. the art and expression on each card differs in such wonderful ways. it is inspiring. i highly recommend it!

here is a video on why people send their secrets to PostSecret and read their embarrassing pubescent diaries out loud on stage at events. in the video she talks about the desire for authenticity, an identity which relates back to why people blog and i am going to go further by relating it to a social network website such as facebook, as just another medium to authenticate yourself and for the world to acknowledge your existence.

celebrity bloggers
here are some singaporean celebrity bloggers site that merely records daily happenings and their personal areas of interest. one interesting fact to take note is that these bloggers really do take pride in their identity and fights for their popularity. in cases like in xiaxue's blog where the public would insult her or disagree with the things the blogger has posted, she would immediately retaliate without hesitation and insist on being better and right. there also was this saga where dawn yang (another celebrity blogger who was brought to fame for her beauty, which was credited to cosmetic surgery) and xiaxue fought because of certain insults made to one another. they got their viewers involved in polls and support groups to try outshine a fellow blogger. it really is a childish and stupid fight, but i must admit it is entertaining, but at a very trashy low level sort of way.


dawn yang

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